Proud or Humble?

Would you describe yourself as a proud or a humble person?

How would others describe you?  Yes, this is a humbling question to ask and answer.  Humility does not come easily to any of us.  If we are going to be honest don’t we  have to admit that we are naturally self centered?   

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It Is Time to Seek the Lord


  • Are you tired of trying to be a good Christian?
  • Are you overloaded and worn out from church activity?
  • Do you ever feel like you are going through the motions?
  • Do you find yourself running on empty spiritually?
  • Do you experience heaviness and shame more than joy and freedom?


If you answered yes to one or more of these questions you are a prime candidate for spiritual revival.

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Wash Your Hands


Do you remember the one thing that your mom would ask you to do before you sat down at the dinner table to eat a meal? Wash your hands! Not only do moms ask the question they seem to have a sixth sense and know when we haven’t washed. They seem to know this without even inspecting at our hands.

The Bible also points out that having clean hands and a prepared heart is important for the follower of Christ. I have been talking about worship for the last month. As I think about times of personal or corporate worship I’m reminded how important it is to properly prepare before I “sit at the table.”  

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